Article by Mistress Calia
It’s the holy grail of erotic hypnosis. An orgasm achieved entirely without touching yourself. A completely hands-free orgasm (HFO) that has you quivering with pleasure from head to toe, and writhing in delight.
The problem is, many people listen to a hypnosis file thinking that it will work straight away, and that sadly, is not always the case.
For those who are extremely suggestible, a hands-free orgasm can come somewhat easily, but for the majority, putting in a little effort can make this mythical experience a reality. So, where to begin.
Ultimately though, the person responsible for your ability to be hypnotized, is you.
Tips and Tricks
First of all, and particularly if you’re male, avoid orgasm for a while. I recommend three days or more. If you masturbate and orgasm regularly, your body won’t be used to the lack of physical sensation, and it will be that much harder to actually embrace the mental side of orgasm and feel that climax.
Second, listen to the file you’re using for hands-free orgasm regularly without expectation. Most hypnosis files will include themes and triggers, and repeat listens make them more powerful. You may not experience an orgasm the first time, but the triggers used will be implanted and more powerful later…