Article by Mistress Calia
Struggling to go into trance, finding it difficult or even feeling you can’t be hypnotized is a common complaint among people who are new to hypnosis and hypnokink. Even people who have been around it for a while can struggle with trance.
How do I go intro trance’ or ‘How do I get hypnotized’ are questions often asked of me, and I know that other hypnosis creators field similar questions on a regular basis. So, what is the solution, if you find yourself unable to trance, or able to reach that state but becoming distracted or feeling as if you’ve woken from it before you’re ready to?
As with anything pertaining to the human mind, it’s complicated. However, there are concrete actions you can take that may not guarantee success but will help you get closer to your goal of a deep, lasting, and effective hypnosis session.
Ultimately though, the person responsible for your ability to be hypnotized, is you.