Trigger Countdown
Join us for our 10 days trigger countdown to the New Year, as the Hypno collective trigger your mind in all kinds of fun ways. Enjoy this content – completely free!
At the start you’ll be introduced to all of our triggers, and day by day we’ll release a new file to implant them – one by one.
Will you try them all?
Your creators in order of appearance: Vox, Mistress Calia, Dragontize, Aphrodisia Mystique, Algorhythmique, Lamb, Yall, Snowberry, AshDoge, and PeaceTied Hypnosis

10. Vox+AshDoge
Adopt a Puppy
Ash and Vox gently work your silly, sleepy puppy mind down into a submissive trance, teach you some tricks, and adopt you as their happy blank pet pup. Includes a trigger to bring the listener back down into puppyspace.
Tags: Multiple Hypnotists, Puppy Trigger, Male Voice, Collab, Brainwashing, Puppyplay, Praise, Arousal, Brain Drain, Good Pet, Good Dog, Owned, Submission
9. Mistress Calia
You Want Me
You want me. And the more you hear it, the more it’s true. Sometimes all you need is a clear and strong reminder of what it is you want, and that my dear, is me. In this file you’ll be told exactly what you want, repeatedly, like a mantra being drilled into your mind, pushed into your brain, until you have no choice but to agree that yes, you want me. You want my voice, my words, my thoughts, my power. You want me.
Tags: Brainwashing, Conditioning, Trigger, Femdom, F4A, Mantra
8. Dragontize
Freeze Trigger Training
This file is intended to install a trigger to freeze in place when I say “freeze” and move again when I say “unfreeze” in a file or session. It contains safety suggestions to remind subjects that they can always move if needed. The file gives plenty of opportunities to practice, for those who seek automaticity or simply enjoy obeying. It mentions enjoying obedience, and contains a permissive suggestion to listen again. There are lots of finger snaps.
Tags: F4A, OC, hypnosis, obedience, trigger, snaps
7. Aphrodisia Mystique
Path of Devotion – Mindless Bliss
MINDLESS BLISS… Do these few words sound familiar to you?
Step onto the Path of Devotion, where obedience becomes worship and submission is your sweetest surrender.
Tags: F4A, Mindless Bliss, Femdom, Obedience, Addiction] [Binaural Beats, Brainwash, Empty Mind, Hypnosis, Submission, Surrender, Deepeners, Triggers, Pleasure, Power exchange
6. Algorhythmique
Agile Induction
The twelve principles of agile software development provide a helpful approach to efficiently and effectively delivering a perfectly programmed hypnosub to the satisfaction of everyone involved. By the time you finish this file, you’ll know that it’s easy to be hypnotized. And you’ll repeat that phrase for me automatically, whenever I say it.
Tags: F4A, conversational, mantras, obedience, brainwashing, repeat trigger
5. Lamb
Deity worship – Sleep
Have you ever met a deity… Do you want to worship.. Perhaps your closer than you realise. If you’re listening to this file, then the thought of worship excites you. It excites me as well.
This is a sexy file to worship the deity Sleep.
Binaurals: Rosemarrow
Script: Lamb.
Tags: worship, tease and denial, subliminals, layered tracks, snaps, binaurals, suggestions to touch, denial, triggers
4. Yall Hypnofox
Pavlovian Conditioning
Let’s do a little experiment on your mind. I want you to listen to the sound of my bell. That’s all. You may fall a little deeper, you may feel a little happier, a little hornier, each and every time you hear it.
I’m clearly not conditioning you! I would never do a thing like that~ Just listen… to the sound… of my bell.
Tags: M4A, Bell trigger, Relaxation, Feel good vibes, Arousal, Quick trance, Conditioning, English Accent
3. Snowberry
Good Little Rice Ball
Turning brains into rice is such a funny concept, but I’ve found that turning brains into fluffy rice and mixing in tasty things make your mind that much more fun to play with.
Triggers Installed:
Triggers: Good Little Rice Ball – Repeating Mantra
Massage – Pleasure
Drop – Pleasure Build Up
Plop – Orgasm Trigger.
Tags: Elman Induction, Mantra Play, Three Mantras, Phantom Touch, Literally playing with your mind, Pleasurable Touch, Pleasurable Words, HFO, Installing an O Trigger, Transforming your brain into rice, Turning you into a rice ball
2. AshDoge
Puppet Training
This file will make you feel like my puppet – completely controlled and dependent on the strings my voice weaves around your limbs to allow you to move. You will feel my words playing with you… moving your body… pulling your strings to make you do… whatever I want. And you will receive a trigger to let you quickly become my puppet again with a simple phrase.
By listening, you accept responsibility for your loss of control – and how much you might enjoy feeling my voice control your body.
Listen with headphones for the best experience.
[Turned into an obedient puppet. Completely dependent on my voice to pull your strings.]
Tags: Arousal, Automatic, Awakener, Free, Induction, M4A, Pit, Puppet, Slave, Touching, Training, Trigger
1. PeaceTied Hypnosis
This is a file to make you forget a fun little trigger hidden within it. You will respond with a specific phrase when someone you trust intentionally triggers you in the context of a fun hypnotic game. Have a trusted friend listen starting at the 16-minute mark so they can learn your trigger and have fun with you. If you’ve struggled with forgetting your trances in the past, this should be a good file to try. For extra potency, listen to another file immediately after this one to give your mind something else to think about.
Tags: M4F, ocean/water, forest, call&answer