Hypnosis FAQs

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a psychological practice where one person, often called a hypnotist, uses focused communication and suggestions to guide another person into a state of altered consciousness or deep focus. This state, commonly referred to as a trance, is characterized by heightened suggestibility, where the person’s mind becomes more open to accepting and responding to ideas or instructions.
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Why hypnosis?

The rationale behind kinks and fetishes are hard to explain. Much like a phobia is an irrational fear, a sexual fetish can be irrational, too. But if bondage is about giving up control to another, recreational hypnosis between informed consenting adults can be the next level of the same relationship. Others just want the relaxation, trust and calm euphoria that hypnosis offers. Everyone is different.

Can anyone be hypnotized?

Yes. If you can imagine, then you can be hypnotized. The scientific community claims some people are more suggestible than others, but the prevailing wisdom outside of the laboratory is that some people simply work better with more custom tailored techniques.

Isn’t hypnosis fake?

Yes! and No! Hypnosis is an amazing area to look into, however you need to know what you are getting into when you are going into it. If you think hypnosis is a magical tool that will let you take over anyones brain and control them in an instant, unfortunately we are not the place for you. BUT, if you are looking for a space that can allow you to be more mindful, introspective, mindless, submissive, dominant, pet-like, hornier and a number of other fun things with your consent, this is the place for you!

How Does Hypnosis Feel?

The experience of hypnosis can vary greatly from person to person. Some people might feel deeply relaxed, almost as if they are drifting into a peaceful, meditative state, while others may feel a sense of heightened awareness or focus. For some, hypnosis might bring about a feeling of heaviness in the body, as if their limbs are weighed down and they find it hard to move. Others might experience a light, floating sensation, as if they are detached from their physical surroundings.
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What is Erotic Hypnosis?

Erotic Hypnosis is the intersection between focus, relaxation, meditation, and arousal. It’s psychological sexuality, lovemaking of the mind. Read Mistress Calia’s description here

What is trance?

Trance can mean a lot of different things to alot of people, at it’s simplest form, it’s a state of concentration. You let your mind focus on a certain thing, it could be a certain type of stimulus, such as touch, taste, hearing, seeing, a number of different things.

I’ve heard of sub autonomy, what is it?

Sub autonomy is generally referred to in the scene because sometimes there is a misconception that the subject is at the will of the hypnotist, this isn’t true, just like any other kink, you should be practicing it safely and consensually, sub autonomy is the ability to give and take control when it is required.

How do I experience touch through audio?

Some people describe a sense of “Phantom touch” when doing hypnosis, if you are doing hypnosis through files or non-physical mediums, you may feel sensations in reference to what someone is saying. There are also a number of Phantom Touch installers out there for you to research if you are more interested in it.

How do I HFO through audio?

Read Mistress Calia’s excellent article here. How to Achieve a Hands-Free Orgasm

Can I experience trance/hypnosis with these conditions…?

Almost definitely yes. I as a not super experienced Tist and sub have experience with people that have ADHD, ASD, Synesthesia, Trouble Visualising, Trouble experiencing physical touch and a number of other things. As niche as hypno may seem, there is content for everyone on the planet out there, it may take time, but you will find something that works with you as an individual.

What is possible with hypnosis?

Traditionally, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, meditation, & guided meditation have been known for their health & therapy benefits. As unlicensed practitioners, we need to stay away from therapy. Other than that, the sky’s the limit for potential. With the right couple & enough practice, anything that can be ‘dreamed’ can be done in hypnosis in one form or another. Behavioral modification, hallucinations, involuntary reactions, memory play, orgasms, & just about anything you can think of is possible… eventually. Your first session will not be like this. Take it slow, keep it consentual, practice with the right people, watch for red flags & you’ll get there eventually

Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis, when conducted by a trained professional, is safe. In the hypnokink community, hypnosis can be safe, but there are risks. It’s important to find a hypnotist that you trust & know well, whether you’re listening to files or playing 1-on-1. Hypnokink is not a hobby for quick hookups. Remember & practice your own subject agency: Make sure that you can wake up from a trance when necessary. Talk to your hypnotist about safety. You should always have the power to ignore a suggestion if necessary. You cannot get “trapped” in a trance, but you want to be able to awaken quickly & completely in an emergency.

Can it make you act against your will?

Yes & no. In waking life, people can be coerced, convinced, confused, & otherwise made to do things that they wouldn’t want to do. These techniques exist in hypnosis as well. You won’t do anything unless you want to, but an unethical hypnotist can make you think you want to. Talk with your hypnotist about your limits.

What should be in a pretalk?

A pretalk is an important conversation before a hypnotic session. It should include goals, expectations, & concerns. You should discuss NSFW content, Dom/sub language, enjoyable imagery, & any phobias. Be clear on the content of the session. Consent cannot be given by someone who is currently or recently hypnotized.

What should be in aftercare?

Aftercare is support & guidance provided after a session. It may include discussing the experience, talking about feelings or emotions, & addressing any questions or concerns. Hypnosis is an intense & very intimate experience. The subject will be vulnerable & possibly confused upon awakening. They need support while they recover.

Does Text hypnosis work?

Yes. Any form of communication can be used for hypnosis, but the hypnotist needs to be able to judge your “depth” & reactions to their words. This is easier over other session media such as voice, video, or in person.

Do I need to read books to understand hypnosis?

Absolutely not. We would never discourage expanding your horizons and researching avenues, but, if the only thing holding you back from getting into the community, don’t! Many people have gotten very good as both hypnotists and subjects without even reading additional material.