Feminine voice

Fibonacci Freefall
Let’s play a number game! How high can we go in the Fibonacci sequence before the number of thoughts becomes too many for you to hold on to?
Tagged: Overload, confusion, obedience, pleasure
description for the file hello: have you ever wondered what would happen if you were just vibin’ on discord trying to call a friend and the app glitched and suddenly you found yourself starting to drift off as you listened to a comforting voice guiding you to relax? what if the voice wasn’t just trying to help you relax…what if the ai helping you relax had hidden motives? what if their intentions weren’t what you thought…and you lost the ability to care? what if before you knew it, you found yourself sitting in front of your computer not realizing how much time has passed while the call was still waiting to connect?
-visual cw: this visual i made has strobing for those sensitive to that kind of thing. it’s meant to watch while you listen for people who trance better with a visual aide to space out to while listening. i designed the spiral to morph as you focus and stare at it cuz i loveee brain games…do you see a 3d pink spiral or solid black morphing spiral? do you notice it changes as you watch it and drop? >:)
-file cw: evil ai theme. made for users of any gender/uses gender neutral language. this file reinforces obedience to no specific person/the ai voice in the file. other themes include: corruption, hidden subliminals, pleasure rewards, relaxation, loss of control, permanence in fantasy, and some fear play. the file has a fear play fantasy aspect that implies that what you focused on listening to is a distraction to keep you from noticing the true intentions of the file which is implied to be malicious…this part about hidden or bad intentions is all fantasy so pls don’t worry! the file does mention that the voice is an actual voice inside your head, and is scripted using some fantasy fear play to reinforce the idea that the voice is now a part of you. just a heads up for people who may find that theme difficult for whatever reason. contains binaurals (i rec over the ear wired headphones to experience binaurals the best.)
Tagged: Corruption, Confusion, TTS, Evil AI, Memory play, Brainwashing
Are you sure you understood the message I tried to convey in this file? You should listen again just in case, to make sure you understand. Conversational confusion induction with vocal layers, structured as a loop. Suggests listening to the file again, and again, and again. Suggests forgetting the unimportant parts of the file. Makes use of previous conditioning from “The Three Words”.
Tagged: Kinky, Loop, Fractionation, Amnesia, Obedience, No Wakener, F4A
Up and down. Rise and Fall. Lose your mind in pleasure with this fractionating fantasy.
This file uses a fantastically sexy fractionation technique that will have you going into trance, back up, and back again, over and over. Each time you fall, you’ll find your pleasure growing, your lust building, and your desire reaching a fever-pitch of utter desperation for my control.
Tagged: Confusion, Fractionation, JOI, F4M, Finger Snaps

Relax With Sleepy – Fractionation Lesson
All the pieces of you, who you are, what you are, all of it settles.
Drop further, gently rocked into my voice.
A voice that’s a sieve for your remaining mind.
Small parts of you remain.
Just a few specks not swept away below~
Tagged: F4A, Sleep Trigger, Fractionation, Relaxing, Beginner Friendly, Deep Trance
This is a deeply seductive hypnosis file designed to intertwine irresistible elements, each building upon the last to overwhelm and disorient you in ways that make resistance a losing battle. The file that combines different elements that complement each other – overwhelming and confusing you. The deeper you try to resist, the more tangled you become, caught in a web of my voice and arousal.
And when you drop for me, surrendering fully, I’ll fill every inch of your mind with potent mantras, layering them with carefully placed triggers that push you further and further. Until finally, you’re tipped over the edge, helpless in the flood of pleasure, reaching the height of bliss as your mind is brought to the peak of an all-consuming mind orgasm.
Part of my HFO training series.
Tagged: NB4A, Confusion, Mantras, Mind Orgasm, Sexual Themes, Tease and denial

No Thoughts on a Rainy Day
It’s been such a stormy summer here, and I’ve found the rain so deeply inspiring. I love listening to the summer rain as it pulls me into deep relaxation, so perhaps you’ll find it just as relaxing as I do. Time to become the rain yourself and see how deep you can go.
Tagged: F4A, NB4A, NSFW, Confusion Induction, Fractionation, Wakener

Breathe Now
This file is a collaboration created as part of the Hypnosis Haven’s Hypno Script Round Robin event. The script was written by Willow and is recorded by yours truly. It’s a clever and playful little session that utilizes your breathing to induce feelings of submission and obedience, since you have no choice but to breathe. All language is gender-neutral and body neutral, although the listener is assumed to already identify as a submissive who has been in trance before. There is a permissive post-hypnotic suggestion to occasionally take a deep breath, remember the file, and smile, at random occurrences throughout your day. What follows is Willow’s description:
“A light audio meant to relax you, draw attention to your breathing, and put a smile on your face. Direct suggestions, commands, and use of language implying submission and obedience on the part of the listener, but only because you choose to obey. You will be given some small, silly, gender neutral praise. It isn’t breath play, as you won’t be losing the ability to breathe, but you will breathe when instructed. Maybe you’ll do other things when instructed, because you will choose to obey, or else have no choice but to obey. Now, doesn’t that sound fun? I do hope you’ll find joy listening to it. Note that there is no full awakener at the end, so it may leave you in a state of relaxation. You also might remember the suggestions after the file is done, if and only if you choose to want to remember them. Forgetting them will be as easy as breathing, should you choose or desire to forget them instead.
Finally, remember this if you do choose to listen:
You want this.”
Tagged: Dad jokes. D/s themes. Post-hypnotic suggestions
This is my take on the Mystifying Induction, developed for hypnosis subjects who wish to go into trance but find themselves struggling to let go. It’s designed to overcome that resistance with confusion. This hypnotic spiral video contains suggestions to drop deeper each time, and return to trance when I say “drop”. Has a wake at the end. This video contains conversational (sometimes called “covert”) hypnosis techniques, though it’s not quite covert hypnosis, since the fact that this is meant to take you in and out of trance is right here in the description. You will also hear finger snaps, which may help you practice responding to triggers to drop into or wake from trance.
Tagged: confusion, covert hypnosis, snaps
Masculine voice
Imagine what it would be like to be in the audience at a magic and hypnosis show… And then to wake up suddenly on the stage at the end of the performance. You performed while entranced, but what exactly did you do? All you can remember is something about a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat.
Tagged: Amnesia, fractionation, confusion, overload, stage hypnosis, magic, bondage

Yall Hypnofox
Mathematics Is Hard
Mathematics is just so hard isn’t it?
Or maybe you’re one of the few who really enjoy it?
Either way most people would say they do NOT enjoy calculations and equations.
But I am here to change your mind. You see,
Numbers – can actually be fun.
And best of all, Numbers – can hypnotize you, very deeply.
Math based counting/overload induction, moving you on to a deep trance state. Instillation of a trigger word, “zero”, to get you back to this deep state whenever I decide to use it..
Tagged: M4A, Deep Trance, Overload, Fractionation, Counting, Whispers